The art of letting go, while holding on to the memories..
Life is short. It is changing one moment at a time. Things are happening now, in this moment. And it is rapid. At times you may feel that your life is slow and dull, but most of everyone's life is dull (the routine stuff). So that's okay. Life is not exactly as glamorous as it appears on the social media. And that doesn’t stop the clock and the moments to change.
With each passing moment, we are bidding adieu to something in one way or the other. And goodbyes are tough. They come in different forms — right from switching schools, colleges, to changing city for jobs, sometimes changing the job itself, and the most painful of it all — death. Each one is different but bitter at its own level. Every situation impacts different people at a different level.
And honestly, I suck at goodbyes. I start acting weird when I realise the “goodbye” moment is approaching. But here is the fun part — no matter how much you dread saying goodbyes, no matter how teary your eyes become, you cannot run away from them. Going through that moment is unavoidable.
So why not learn something which cannot be avoided?
Let’s learn to say goodbye. Let’s be there in that moment. Cry yourself out, give out the 10 minute hugs, say those words that you couldn’t say before, build up & let the energies emanate or maybe crack that stupid joke you have had in your head. There is no weakness in expressing emotions when we are letting go of someone or something. Take your time. There is no point in rushing through goodbyes, only to end up in a future regret. There is nothing to be awkward.
Goodbye is acceptance. Acceptance that we have to move on. Acceptance cherishes the memories. And acceptance facilitates healing.
So maybe, instead of repeating the why questions -
why me?
why do we have to part?
why it had to end?
why does it happen with me?
being grateful for the memories might retain their charm.
Because no one can take them away from you - the memories are all yours!
One way I was able to cope up with letting go the moments and keep a hold onto the memories is through gratitude journaling. I have been using Presently app for about a year now, which lets me journal the good in every phase every day.
I hope it helps, as it has helped me indeed.